When Katherine Brewed
A play

Why we need to raise funds
Our fundraising efforts are ongoing.
The October performances cost £8,000. This covered: staging, costume and propping; actors’ pay; travel and subsistence for the troupe; and publicity and marketing.
The reality is that available funding for community theatre projects like ours from bodies such as Arts Council (England) has been cut to a fraction of what is once was. We had to work hard to raise the funds to cover the basic costs of the autumn 2023 performances.
We have received much appreciated support from the Liverpool Network Theatre, from the International Marcuse Society in the US, from trade unions and from many individual supporters. Some costs are also covered by ticket sales. However, ticket sales made up only about 10% of our budget.
And of course, the more funds we raise, the more performances we can stage.
Are you a member of a trade union?
We are especially interested in support from trade unions. If your union sponsors the project the union logo, and appropriate branch or region, will be displayed on future publicity, theatre programmes, etc.
It is possible to donate to the project in the following ways.
There is the crowd-funder site, that many supporters have used: https://www.crowdfunder.co.uk/p/whenevespan
Direct donations can be made to the project Unity Trust account:
Account name: When Eve Span
Account number: 20460727
Sort code: 60-83-01​
Thank you for whatever you can contribute to help us make this story more widely known.